Identifying the Broader Context
Civiltech has long recognized the importance of designing streets for all users of the roadway, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, drivers, and freight. Over the years we have honed our skills, knowledge, and expertise in Complete Streets, network-wide bicycle route planning, spatial and statistical data analytics, ADA compliance, streetscape design, and bicycle and pedestrian facility design, with exciting projects for the City of Chicago, as well as many suburban municipalities, counties, and regional forest preserves. These disciplines, combined with our roadway design and traffic analysis expertise, provide the critical pieces necessary to create and support a thriving transportation network. With our Transportation Planning services, Civiltech ties these disciplines together. Our planning staff is community-oriented, focusing on the bigger picture beyond defined project boundaries, identifying the broader context within the community. Our planning services offer our clients a larger lens to see how the project fits within the overall fabric of the community. This goes beyond the typical transportation engineering project limits, with expanded considerations such as land use, economics, demographics, and connections to other neighborhoods or regions. Our clients benefit from our ability to keep abreast of new, creative planning trends and ideas being successfully implemented in other cities or regions.
South Cook County Truck Routing and Communities Study
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning
Civiltech’s Transportation Planning staff is studying the improvement of truck routing and infrastructure within two south suburban study areas. The study will address community concerns and safety issues created by the impacts of substantial truck traffic and the increased growth of freight-related industry.
A Social Design Team
We consider our transportation planning staff a social design team. We are interdisciplinary with abilities and talents beyond our job titles. We are planners/writers, public engagement experts/bike educators, engineers/photographers, and landscape architects/avid long distance cyclists. We are continuous students of the built environment and all factors that impact it, including demographics, history, and land uses, to name a few. We bring a fresh outlook and unique holistic approach to every project that we tackle.
We recognize the power in combining Transportation Planning with Traffic Engineering. At Civiltech the two disciplines collaborate closely together, studying transportation from similar scales and identifying how site-specific changes can impact the network at the community and regional level.
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Click on image to view large.
Data Driven
Civiltech’s transportation planning services are data driven. It’s where the numbers meet the narrative. We combine an analytical data-driven quantitative approach with a people-focused qualitative style. We leverage the ever-increasingly large and often openly available big data to help your community prioritize decisions and fully utilize limited resources.
- Data Analytics
- Community, Neighborhood, and Corridor-level Planning
- Complete Streets
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities
- Access to Transit Design
- Project Idea Generation and Grant Writing
- Creative Community Engagement
- Public Involvement Tech Tools
- Planning within a Phase I or II Engineering Project
- GIS/Mapmaking/Visual Display of Information