Civiltech was honored to receive a Special Achievement Award presented by American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois (ACED-IL) as part of the 2018 Engineering Excellence Awards Competition. Civiltech provided Phase I and Phase II engineering services on the Roosevelt Watermain Lining Project for the Village of Lombard, which received the award under the category of Special Projects.
Civiltech won Honorable Mention in the 2017 “Best Firms to Work For Competition” by the Illinois Society of Professional Engineers. This is Civiltech’s second consecutive win in this triennial competition.
Civiltech performed Phase III Construction Engineering on two projects that won APWA Best Transportation Project Awards. The Village of Deerfield received the APWA Lake Branch Award for the Brierhill Road Reconstruction, in the category of “Less than $5 Million.” Also, CDOT won the APWA City Branch Award for the Damen, Elston, Fullerton Intersection Reroute, included in the category of “$5-$25 Million.” Civiltech is proud to have been involved in both projects and was honored to be included in the awards ceremony.