Cary currently serves as the C*NECT Traffic Calming Program Manager on the CDOT Aldermanic Menu Program. He specializes in complex urban roadway grading, drainage design, and the preparation of contract plans, specifications, and estimates. His design services include maintenance of traffic, pavement markings, sidewalk and curb restoration, alley pavement restoration, vaulted sidewalks, traffic circles, detached bump-outs, cul-de-sacs, and speed humps. With his experience in ADA compliance, ramp design, and QC/QA, Cary is one of Civiltech’s ADA design experts.
Fun fact: Cary is as well-rounded in his outside interests as he is in his role at Civiltech. When not bringing sidewalks into ADA compliance, he is training in Muay Thai Kickboxing! Also, he enjoys traveling and trying new restaurants in the city.