Identifying Deficiencies and Recommending New Projects
Civiltech provided engineering services to update the City of Highland Park’s Storm Sewer Master Plan. The City’s previous plan had been completed in 2008. Civiltech’s update addresses the entire storm sewer system including projects completed since 2008. The plan identifies current storm system deficiencies and provides recommendations for new projects to address flooding.
Click on image to view large.
Click on image to view large.
Hydrologic/Hydraulic Modeling
An EPA SWMM hydrologic/hydraulic model was created to analyze the existing system, develop recommendations, and determine the impacts of the proposed improvements. The model was based on data available from the City utility atlases and GIS data and used Bulletin 70 rainfall data. The existing condition model analysis included the City’s main storm sewer system for each of the three major watersheds; Lake Michigan, Skokie River, and Middle Fork North Branch of the Chicago River.
Demonstrating Benefits of Proposed Improvements
The model replicated the existing flooding conditions that have been documented within the City and provided detail in areas that have been more prone to flooding. The proposed conditions model included and analyzed the existing system with the proposed improvements in place and demonstrated the benefits and level of protection that the proposed improvements provide.
Click on image to view large.
Click on image to view large.
The Completed Plan
The completed Master Plan Report included recommendations for 19 specific drainage project improvements, preliminary design, as well as corresponding cost estimates. The City has started design on several of the proposed improvement projects.
This Project Incorporates the Following:
- Updating an existing master plan
- Identifying deficiencies
- EPA SWMM modeling software
- Existing condition model analysis
- Recommending improvements and projects
Scope of Services
- Master Plan Report
- Drainage Design
- Storm Sewer Design
- Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling and Analysis
- Cost Estimating