With construction on the Naperville Downtown Streetscape Improvements project about to get underway, the City had reached out to Civiltech’s digital rendering team to provide images of the finished project. Their initial goal was to display the images at a community meeting to build excitement for the project.
With a tight timeline, just 2 weeks, the team kicked into gear. The first step was to gather photographs within the project parameters. Then, through a combination of CAD, 3DS Max, and Photoshop, the team turned photos of the existing conditions into exciting renderings that realistically depicted the beautiful finished product.
Naperville’s graphic design team then incorporated the Civiltech renderings into an exhibit that they displayed in a centrally located empty storefront window within the project limits. With instructions to look left or look right, the general public can easily visualize their new streetscape. The City’s exhibits also include bullet points to identify all of the improvements.
The photos and renderings were then displayed at a public meeting held February 22, 2022 to provide information on the plans, schedule, and ramifications of the forthcoming construction. Utilizing the renderings and an easily accessible meeting spot within the project parameters (an empty retail storefront) were beneficial to a successful public meeting outcome.
Civiltech provided the Phase II Design Engineering on this exciting project and is providing the Phase III Construction Engineering services for the reconstruction which is now underway. Improvements include complete road reconstruction, streetscape and urban design, utility replacement, and new decorative lighting. Curb lines are being moved inward along Main Street and Jefferson Avenue by converting on-street angled parking to parallel parking, which will increase the pedestrian space and allow for more streetscape elements like street trees, bicycle racks, and outdoor seating.
The Civiltech graphic rendering team enhanced Civiltech’s engineering services by providing a strong tool that helped the City build excitement for the project and provided important information about the construction process and outcome.