Civiltech is proud of our successes securing funding for our clients. Our team has secured millions in funding dollars for communities through various county, state, and federal grant sources. We work to stay up to date on potential opportunities, and work with our clients to maximize all available funding.
Over the past year, we have added to our total of funding dollars secured with the following program awards.
Civiltech was successful in securing Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) funding for the Village of Wilmette’s U.S. Route 41 (Skokie Boulevard) and Lake Avenue Intersection Improvement. Projects eligible for funding through ITEP include biking and walking paths, trails, streetscape beautification work and other improvements designed to encourage safe travel across the various modes of transportation at the local level. The ITEP funds secured for this project are $1,145,730.
Civiltech also secured Invest in Cook funding on two projects. Invest in Cook grants help municipalities further their transportation projects by covering the cost of planning, engineering, right of way acquisition and construction associated with transportation improvements sponsored by local governments and private partners. The two projects awarded these grants were the Lake Cook Road Phase I Study for the Village of Buffalo Grove and the Meacham Road Sidepath project for the Village of Elk Grove Village. Both projects were awarded $500,000.
One Civiltech project submitted for STP-Local funds in 2020 was not selected, but added to the contingency list. The contingency list contains projects that can be added to the active program if other projects don’t meet obligation deadlines or if additional funds become available. Civiltech’s project, Argonne Drive Reconstruction for the City of North Chicago Phase II Engineering, was moved from the contingency list to the active program for 2023. The STP funds awarded this project were $1,072,000.
The funding application season runs from the second half of one calendar year through the first half of the next calendar year. Civiltech is thrilled that from fall 2020 through spring of 2021, we secured a total of $3,217,730 for our clients through ITEP, STP-Local, and Invest in Cook programs.
With a new funding application upon us, we are gearing up for the next STP–Local Call for Projects coming in January 2022.