Addressing Safety and Long-Range Transportation Needs
Civiltech performed the Darrell Road Phase I Study to address safety and operational improvements needed along the corridor. With the potential for future developments in the surrounding study area, the project assisted in addressing long range travel demand and transportation system improvement needs. This project provides pedestrian and bicyclist accommodations to future facilities that will connect with the Grand Illinois Trail and to the IDNR owned Black Crown.
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Click on image to view large.
Identifying Travel Patterns
Identified travel patterns in the area show that Darrell Road is being used as a bypass, likely to avoid congestion at the IL Route 120/U.S. Route 12/IL Route 59 signalized intersection. These travel patterns were confirmed by local residents at the Public Information Meetings and Stakeholder Involvement Group Meetings.
Developing Alternatives
Several concept alternatives were developed and evaluated using qualitative and quantitative analyses. The concept alternatives included various intersection treatments such as traffic signals, roundabouts, and minor-street stop-controlled T-intersections. Several Public Information Meetings and Stakeholder Involvement Group Meetings were held to aid in the selection of Alternatives to be Carried Forward and the final Preferred Alternative.
Click on image to view large.
Click on image to view large.
Roundabouts Selected
The Preferred Alternative consists of reconstructing the intersections of Darrell Road with Case Road/Neville Road, Dowell Road, and Fisher Road to provide single lane roundabouts. A 10-foot shared-use path will be constructed along the east side of Darrell Road and at all four legs of the roundabouts.
The Final Report has been submitted to Lake County Division of Transportation for approval and Civiltech has been retained for the Phase II Design Engineering services.
This Project Incorporates the Following:
- Safety and operational improvements
- Bicycle and pedestrian facility design
- Roundabout design
- Stakeholder and Public Involvement
- Utility coordination
- Qualitative and quantitative analysis
Scope of Services
- Alternative Analysis
- Roundabout and Innovative Intersection
- Stakeholder and Public Involvement
- Highway Traffic Noise Analysis
Rebuild IL and Local
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