Reconstruction of a Busy Corridor through the Villages of Lake Villa and Lindenhurst
This project is a $12.0 million reconstruction along a 1-mile, heavily traveled corridor that required nearly a mile of dry land bridges with poor soil conditions. Civiltech’s Construction Engineering team administered this long and challenging improvement.
Unstable Soil and Poor Drainage Conditions
To manage drainage, a large culvert was installed under the bridges to convey the water across the site. Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM) was used to backfill the unstable soil for support of new multi-use paths on the outsides of the dry land bridges. When completed, this improvement restored the structural integrity and ride-ability of the pavement along this 4-lane arterial, which is now full-depth PCC pavement with single and double turn lanes. The landscaped, multi-use paths and new lighting helped modernize this stretch of road.
Coordinating Agencies and Utilities
With the project traversing two Villages, agency coordination was critical. Both Lake Villa and Lindenhurst had watermain and other utilities throughout the project site. The project involved both new watermain installation and existing watermain relocation. A pump station was also located on the project. Access to the pump station had to remain open. Further interagency coordination also included Lake County Forest Preserve, Lake County SMC, the Army Corps, the MWRD, and multiple other agencies.
Traffic Staging Challenges
One of the greatest challenges of this improvement was the maintenance of traffic. Multiple stages were required to complete the work while maintaining the greatest possible flow of vehicles. Civiltech’s Resident Engineer carefully coordinated with the local businesses and agencies keeping them updated on the project status and work items that directly affected access to their facilities. The team also worked to keep the municipalities’ emergency forces updated on project activity.
This Project Incorporates the Following:
- Construction of dry land bridges
- Poor soil conditions
- Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM)
- Drainage concerns
- Dry land bridge side paths
- Emergency forces updates
Scope of Services
- Resident Engineering
- Construction Inspection
- Construction Management
- Construction Layout
- Bridge Construction Inspection
- Construction Documentation
- Coordination and Public Involvement
- NEPA/404 Merger Process
- Interagency Coordination
- QC/QA Material Testing
- State, Federal