Kane County Division of Transportation

Longmeadow Parkway Roadway Widening and Reconstruction Improvement

A New Alignment Relieving Heavily-Traveled Fox River Crossings

Civiltech provided Construction Engineering services on this $27.5 million western connection which is the largest of the Longmeadow Corridor projects at 1.2 miles. The improvement accommodates commercial trucking and automobiles traveling to the surrounding communities of Huntley, Carpentersville, West Dundee, and Algonquin and includes a new bridge over IL 31 and interchange with Longmeadow.

Connector Ramp and Retaining Walls

The new interchange of Longmeadow and IL 31 includes a connector ramp between the two arterials in the southwest quadrant. To allow enough curve for the pavement of the new connector ramp, a retaining wall was required. Various types of retaining walls were also used to hold back the steep slopes left from excavating down to Longmeadow’s gradual grade slope.


Moving Large Quantities of Earth

Soil was excavated from the bluff that rises above IL 31 to the west. The slope was decreased so that the new road can have a gradual incline. An enormous quantity of earth, 750,000 cubic yards, was removed from the existing slope utilizing an extensive amount of equipment and manpower. As part of our Construction Observation services, Civiltech is provided drone photography to document material movement and material quantities as well as construction progress.


A Complex Project with Many Components

The complex project involved many construction components including:

  • 1.21 miles of new roadway and miles of PCC and HMA paving lanes along both the new Longmeadow and the reconstruction of IL 31
  • Massive earthwork with appropriate erosion control and stable base determinations
  • New detention pond and a haul road for large earth moving equipment
  • Aesthetic form liner retaining walls from soldier pile to soil nail
  • New bridge over a busy arterial (IL 31)
  • Great amounts of storm sewer, drainage structures, and box culvert installations
  • New traffic signals with interconnection


Extensive Multi-Agency and Stakeholder Coordination

Civiltech’s services included extensive multi-agency and stakeholder coordination and communication. Agencies involved with or impacted by the project included Kane County, Forest Preserve, Army Corps of Engineers, and several municipalities. The team also held public information meetings and Civiltech’s Resident Engineer kept residential neighbors apprised of construction activities.


This Project Incorporates the Following:

  • Highway interchange construction
  • Retaining wall construction and aesthetics
  • Drone photography for construction progress documentation
  • PCC and HMA paving
  • Extensive erosion control and stable base determinations
  • New detention pond
  • Haul road for earth moving equipment
  • Bridge construction
  • Drainage structures
  • Storm sewer
  • Traffic signal and interconnection

Scope of Services

  • Resident Engineering
  • Construction Inspection
  • Construction Management
  • Construction Layout
  • Construction Documentation
  • Coordination and Public Involvement
  • Interagency Coordination
  • QC/QA Material Testing



Learn more about this project and its related services.

Contact Jim Ewers