Roadway Reconstruction and Creek Realignment
Lake Cook Road now more efficiently moves traffic through three roadway lanes in each direction over a realigned Buffalo Creek with enhanced wetland, buffer, and riparian environments. Weiland Road was realigned requiring the relocation of Buffalo Creek. The project included the replacement of an existing triple cell culvert with a single span bridge, allowing a more continuous stream channel under Short Aptakisic Road. Along with stream and riparian environment design, Civiltech’s Nature-based Solutions provide significant ecological benefits to Buffalo Creek and the adjacent riverine communities.

Civiltech’s Services
Civiltech provided Phase I and Phase II Engineering services including Nature-based Solutions design. The completed project brings significant ecological benefits to the realigned Creek and adjacent riverine communities.
The Realignment Design
The Buffalo Creek realignment design shifted the existing channel approximately 60 feet to the southwest. The new stream design reintroduced a soft curve in the channel and implemented several in-stream structures including boulder cross vanes, j-hooks, pools, riffles, and streambank revetments.

Creating Wetland and Riparian Environments
Adjacent wetland and riparian environments were created by utilizing hydrology, native seed and plug mixes, and native shrub and tree species. The new realignment design corrected eroding and collapsing shorelines, better aligned the waterway with the proposed bridge structure, improved water quality, created aquatic and terrestrial habitat, and enhanced the wetland, buffer, and riparian environments.
Nature-led Stormwater Detention
A nature-led stormwater detention pond with sediment forebay was designed and constructed north of the stream realignment, providing additional stormwater detention, sediment controls, habitat enhancements, and water quality benefit prior to discharging into Buffalo Creek.

Complex Permitting Requirements
Impacts to the Waters of the U.S. included stream and wetland impacts and were authorized by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Lake County SMC, North Cook County SWCD, and MWRD. Civiltech obtained an IDNR Floodway permit, USACE 404 permit, and MWRD Watershed Management Ordinance Permit for the proposed bridge replacement and Buffalo Creek realignment.
This Project Incorporates the Following:
- Creek realignment
- Culvert replacement
- Ecological benefits
- In-stream structures
- Native plant species
- Erosion correction
- Shoreline repair
- Aquatic and terrestrial habitat repair
Scope of Services
- Roadway and Highway Design
- Nature-based Solutions
- Stream Design
- Wetland, Buffer, and Riparian Environment Design
- Preparation of Contract Plans, Specifications, and Cost Estimates
- Nature-led Stormwater Management Design
- Highway Bridges
- Hydrologic/Hydraulic Analysis
- Environmental Permitting