City of Park Ridge

Cumberland Avenue Water Main Installation — Peterson Avenue to Devon Avenue

Water Main Replacement Using Trenchless Directional Boring

This improvement replaced approximately 2500 feet of water main along Cumberland Avenue between Peterson Avenue and Devon Avenue. Cumberland Avenue is a 4-lane minor arterial with ADT of over 20,000 vpd within the limits of the project and has signalized intersections at Granville Avenue and Devon Avenue. The new 12” water main was installed using the directional boring method.

Design Scope

Civiltech provided Phase II Design Engineering. In addition to the trenches design, Residential water services were redone from the new main, and any existing lead services were replaced all the way to the water meter at the homes.

Tree Preservation and Limited Sidewalk Replacement

Tree preservation is of the utmost importance to the City and residents. This trenchless installation not only limited disruption to the neighborhood residences but saved the mature tree canopy along Cumberland Avenue. Sidewalk replacement was also limited as the new water main was tunneled underneath.

Critical Stakeholder Communication

Civiltech’s Phase III Construction Engineering Services included full inspection, layout verification, and project documentation following both City and IEPA requirements. Communication and coordination with a variety of stakeholders was key to a successful project outcome. With the project limits in a residential area, it was critical to keep the residents well informed during the construction, especially with the significant number of service connections needing to be reestablished.

Additional Considerations

Further coordination was imperative due to the project location’s proximity of Mary Seat of Wisdom Catholic Church and School. Also, with a Park Ridge Fire Station within the project limits, extensive communication was required to avoid interruptions to emergency vehicles.

This Project Incorporates the Following:

  • Water main replacement
  • Trenchless Directional Boring
  • Residential street considerations
  • Residential water service hookups
  • Lead service replacement
  • Tree preservation
  • Limited disruption to emergency services

Scope of Services

  • Preparation of Contract Plans, Specifications, and Estimates
  • Water Main Design
  • County and IEPA Permitting
  • Construction Management
  • Construction Documentation
  • Layout Verification
  • Stakeholder Communication


Learn more about this project and its related services.

Contact Jon Vana