Leading the Way
The Pennsylvania Avenue Improvements was the first section of the overall Central Business District (CBD) Streetscape and Utility Improvements project to have PS&E’s submitted and construction completed. The overall project as well as this section involved preliminary Design Studies, Design Engineering, and Construction Engineering services for streetscape and utility improvements in Glen Ellyn’s historic CBD area, beloved by Village residents and the many shoppers and diners who frequent the area.
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Click on image to view large.
Roadway, Utility, Pedestrian, and Streetscape Improvements
The Pennsylvania Avenue Improvements project, along with the rest of the CBD, reconstructs and resurfaces the roadway and provides utility improvements. Pedestrian walkways are being brought up to current ADA standards and the downtown is receiving an overall aesthetic improvement with the installation of a sophisticated and unified streetscape design.
An Exciting Flex Street Design Concept
Through modifications of curb lines and parking areas, more area outside the roadway is being utilized for pedestrians, greenspace, and streetscape elements such as bicycle racks and outdoor cafes. The Pennsylvania Avenue flex street design concept utilized several place-making elements, including a gateway, specialty paving, movable street furniture, festoon lighting, and an expansion of an existing pedestrian plaza.
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Click on image to view large.
Community Involvement and Consensus Building
Phase I of the project began with reviewing the Village’s past studies of the area and conducting extensive coordination with a newly formed project steering committee. This committee was comprised of Village staff, key business leaders, students, and other community leaders. Civiltech staff led walking tours, conditions reviews, and design charrettes for the steering committee to gather their input for determining design alternates. A final open house presented the recommended alternate to the public for comment.
Animation to Illustrate Streetscape Design
For this project, Civiltech’s digital rendering team created an animation which was presented at public meetings to illustrate how the improvements will look and function in a way that people could easily understand. One animation moved through the finished project illustrating how the streetscape would look and feel. The dynamic streetscape animation brought the improvements to life with images of people moving through the downtown and experiencing the new features.
Animation to Illustrate Construction Phasing
A second animation for Glen Ellyn focused on construction phasing. This video clearly illustrated how pedestrian access would be managed during construction as well as the resulting finished product. The ability to see how the construction phasing will work helps build a partnership and cooperation with stakeholders impacted by the construction rather than the frustration created by impacts that they did not anticipate.
Phase II Design Engineering
Civiltech’s Phase II Design Engineering work for the Pennsylvania Avenue section of the project was completed in 2021. Phase II Design work is underway for the other components of the overall project. The project also involved extensive utility replacement and improvements. The utility replacements are being coordinated with the streetscape improvements so that all utility lids and above ground features synchronize with proposed trees and curb extensions.
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Click on image to view large.
Phase III Construction Engineering
Civiltech also provided Phase III Construction Engineering services for the Pennsylvania Avenue Improvments project. A primary challenge was maintaining access to all businesses while their entrances were brought up to ADA standards. Customized temporary ramps were installed when the shops were closed to provide safe access at business entrances. Civiltech’s Resident Engineer and Construction Engineering team worked closely with business owners providing proactive and open communication regarding impacts their businesses experienced due to construction.
This Project Incorporates the Following:
- Federal funding
- Decorative Paving
- Decorative light poles and banners
- Streetscape furnishings
- Improved pedestrian facilities
- Flex street designs
- Modification of curb lines
- Project steering committee
- Design charrettes
- Project walking tours
- Utility coordination and relocation
- Full delivery process
Scope of Services
- Public Involvement
- Streetscape Design
- Landscape Architecture
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Planning and Design
- Reconstruction
- Utility Replacement
- Roadway Resurfacing
- Roadway Resurfacing (LAFO)
- Preparation of contract plans, specifications and estimates
- Resident Engineering
- Construction Inspection
- Construction Documentation
- Construction Layout
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