A Heavily Traveled Corridor
Woodfield Road between Meacham Road and the frontage roads to I-290/IL Route 53 is a heavily traveled corridor that runs through the center of a large and busy regional retail area. Not only does it provide access to many of the bustling shopping centers, but it is a major east-west corridor through this dense area of retail, entertainment, and corporate business facilities. Woodfield Road provides access to I-290/IL Route 53 and is one of few locations offering access under the expressway and connecting Schaumburg to the neighboring Busse Woods Forest Preserve and other communities to the east.
Creating Much Needed Capacity
The existing pavement had deteriorated to a point where reconstruction was necessary. While pavement reconstruction is a main component of the project, with the heavy traffic created by the access drives of many retail facilities, creating additional capacity and improving traffic flow were two of the greatest challenges.
This Project Incorporated the Following:
- Increased capacity with extra turn lanes
- New traffic signal interconnect system for six intersections
- New roadway lighting system
- Safe connection to the forest preserve
- Utility coordination and relocation
- ADA compliance
- Complex construction staging
- Critical construction scheduling
- IDOT Coordination
Scope of Services
- Street Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
- Bikeway and Pedestrian Facility Design
- Traffic Signal Design
- Lighting Design
- Drainage Design
- Resident Engineering
- Construction Inspection
- Construction Documentation
- Construction Layout
- Interagency Coordination
- Public Involvement
Phase II Services
Civiltech’s Phase II services included plans for the removal and replacement of the existing pavement on these two connected Federally-funded projects. Additional capacity will be provided to the frontage roads by adding a second right turn lane and left turn lane on the west frontage road and by adding a dedicated left turn lane on the east frontage road. Design plans were prepared for the replacement of the traffic signal systems at six intersections, modifications at one intersection, and the installation of a traffic signal interconnect system. A new roadway lighting system was also designed.
Developing Safe Bicycle Facilities
The Woodfield Road project included reconstructing approximately 4,400 feet of bike path to remedy that situation and provided safe bike facilities along the corridor as well as easy access to the Forest Preserve. Civiltech’s design included designing safer bike and pedestrian crossings.
Easing Utility Coordination
Civiltech performed extensive coordination with the utility companies within the project limits. The Woodfield Road right of way is a major corridor for the utility companies, including ComEd, NICOR, and several fiber communication companies. Design revisions were performed where feasible to minimize the impacts. When modifications were not possible, Civiltech worked with the utility companies to develop a relocation plan that met the needs of the project.
Construction Engineering Services
Civiltech provided Construction Engineering services for both projects, which were split into two contracts to be a more manageable size for the contractors while bidding. The inspection team provided flexibility between both projects resulting in efficiencies and savings to the Village. Detailed coordination was required with IDOT for the work at the I-290 interchange ramps. All stakeholders and businesses were kept up to date regarding their access during the reconstruction project.
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Construction Complete by the Holidays
One of the biggest challenges was ensuring that construction was complete at this busy and large shopping destination prior to the holiday season. Both projects were carefully planned to not disrupt the holiday shopping traffic. The Civiltech Phase III Team worked closely with the contractors to ensure that they adhered to the schedule and were able to give realistic dates for each work area’s completion. Both projects were complete by the busy holiday season!
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