A Study to Improve Truck Routing, Infrastructure, and Impacts
ON TO 2050, CMAP’s Comprehensive Plan for the region includes strategy recommendations for maintaining the region’s status as North America’s freight hub, while balancing community concerns with the economic benefits of freight. The Moving South Cook County: Truck Routing and Communities Study is being conducted in partnership with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning and Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways. The goal of the study is to improve truck routing and infrastructure and address community concerns and safety issues in the two study areas, North of I-80 and South of I-80.
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Promoting Economic Development and Livibility
Designated truck routes can lead to strategic investments and better access to railyards and other major freight-generating facilities while promoting economic development and safety in communities. Appropriately designated truck routes will also support livability and quality of life across south suburban communities.
Leading The Study
Civiltech is the lead consultant on this study which will be a collaborative effort to optimize truck routing and lessen the harmful effects of truck traffic on local areas. There are relatively few designated truck routes in both study areas, North of I-80 and South of I-80, particularly continuous east/west routes.
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Project Outcomes
Project outcomes will include a map of recommended truck routes and guidance for communities on how to implement truck routes per state law and IDOT policy. Also, capital improvement plans will help communities prioritize projects and seek competitive funding, and create strategies for implementing the routes.
Two Areas Targeted
The Study includes two areas located within one of six freight land-use clusters that CMAP has identified in the region. The study areas include intermodal facilities in areas with large concentrations of manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics business. Traffic congestion has increased with the continued growth of freight-related industry in these areas as well as many at-grade railroad crossings, and the study areas overlap with economically disconnected areas (EDAs).
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Improved Movement of Goods
The study is providing recommendations for improved movement of goods as well as solutions to limit and mitigate the air quality, noise, safety, congestion, and other negative impacts that truck traffic can impose on surrounding communities. Civiltech is providing transportation planning, project management and stakeholder engagement.
Scope of Services
- Transportation Planning
- Freight Planning
- Environmental Resource Planning
- Community Engagement
- Complete Streets
Project Incorporates the Following:
- ON TO 2050 – CMAP’s Comprehensive Plan
- Improving designated truck routes
- Prioritizing and implementing projects
- Intermodal facilities study
- Limit and mitigation negative impacts