A New Roundabout
The reconstruction of National Parkway from Golf Road to American Lane includes bike and pedestrian facility upgrades and substantial drainage improvements. The conventional intersection at National and American is being replaced with a modern roundabout.
Phase II Design Engineering
North of American Lane, National Parkway is being narrowed to provide a single through lane in each direction. An 8-foot wide bike path is being constructed on the west side of the roadway and a 5-foot wide sidewalk on the east side. A new lighting system is being installed throughout the project, and the existing traffic signals at Golf Road are being modified.
Replacing the Existing Drainage System
The existing drainage system is being replaced. A large concrete box culvert is being installed within the median to replace the existing dual 96 inch corrugated metal pipes that carry the floodway. The design of the culvert includes mitigation of poor subgrade soil conditions to prevent future differential settlement.
Multiple Funding Sources
The project was broken out into a locally let funded improvement south of American Lane using Rebuild Illinois funds. The roundabout and remaining northern portion of the project received STP funding for construction.
Obtaining Right of Way
Several parcels of right of way will be required to construct the northern construction contract. Preparation of the necessary right of way documents, parcel appraisals, and property owner negotiations were provided under the Phase II engineering contract.
Phase III Construction Engineering
Civiltech’s Construction Engineering team is administering this project. Due to the use of Federal funds, the project was IDOT let, so the Civiltech team is ensuring the project and its documentation meticulously adhere to IDOT requirements. Civiltech’s Resident Engineer is working to ensure all businesses and residents impacted by the construction are kept informed of work activities and scheduling during construction.
This Project Incorporates the Following:
- Roundabout design
- Innovative intersection design
- Multiple funding sources
- Right of way acquisition
- Phase II and Phase III services
Scope of Services
- Roadway Design
- Intersection Design
- Drainage Design
- Lighting Design
- Traffic Signal Design
- Box Culvert Design
- Preparations of Contract Plans,
- Specifications & Estimates
- Resident Engineering
- Construction Inspection
- Construction Layout
- QC/QA Material Testing
Rebuild Illinois