Village of Schaumburg

State and National Parkway
Roadway Reconstruction

An Existing Roadway in Poor Condition

This project reconstructed National Parkway from Plum Grove Road to IL Route 58 (Golf Road) and connects to a proposed roundabout at the Plum Grove/State intersection. The existing roadway had been in poor condition and consisted of two through lanes in each direction separated by a landscaped median. Sidewalks were intermittent and a shared-use path ended north of IL Route 58.

Decreased Travel Lanes and On-Street Bike Lanes

Civiltech’s Phase II design work decreased the roadway to one though lane in each direction since traffic volumes did not warrant maintaining two lanes. On-street bicycle lanes were added to fulfill a portion of the Village’s future bicycle plan and help maintain a wider roadway cross section for truck turning movements in this commercial and industrial area.  

Complex Drainage in the Median Ditches

The existing median contained ditches that served as drainage outlets for the roadway, connected to an existing lake north of the project area, and contained Army Corps jurisdictional wetlands, floodplains, and floodways. Therefore, the project included obtaining permits from the US Corps Army of Engineers for impacts to the Waters of the US in the median ditches and from the IDNR and MWRD for impacts to the floodway/floodplain. The inside curb line was maintained to limit fill in the floodplain and existing median ditches were regraded to improve drainage function.

Preferred Alternative Consensus and Communication

Civiltech provided Phase I services which included a public meeting that was held early in the alternative development process. After a preferred alternative was selected, letters were sent to all property owners informing them of the proposed improvement and potential right of way acquisition. Comments received from the letters were addressed, and the design was altered accordingly.  

Additional Design Work

Additional Phase II design work included replacing the existing lighting system throughout the project limits. Coordination with the design of proposed improvements along Plum Grove Road was required since the lighting systems overlapped in the interim condition. Civiltech’s work also included ADA improvements at the intersection of National and Golf and future planned modifications to existing traffic signal equipment.

This Project Incorporates the Following:

  • Lane reduction
  • On-street bicycle lanes
  • Wider roadway cross section
  • Army Corps jurisdictional wetlands, floodplains, and floodways
  • Impacts to Waters of the US
  • IDNR and MWRD permitting
  • Preferred alternative consensus building
  • Property owner communication
  • Potential right of way acquisition

Scope of Services

  • Project Development Report
  • Drainage Design
  • Roadway Reconstruction
  • Bicycle Facility Design
  • Pedestrian Facility Design
  • ADA Compliance
  • Lighting Design
  • Traffic Signal Design
  • Right of Way
  • Public Involvement
  • Stakeholder Communication


  • Surface Transportation Program (STP)

Learn more about this project and its related services.

Contact Jon Vana