Village of Villa Park

Tri-Trails Connector Phase I Study 

Connecting Regional Trails

Civiltech is providing Phase I Preliminary and Phase II Design Engineering services to connect the Illinois Prairie Path, Great Western Trail, and Salt Creek Greenway Trail. This project completes the gap between three regional bike trails: The Illinois Prairie Path, the Great Western Trail, and the Salt Creek Greenway Trail. 

Replacing Sidewalk with Shared-Use Path

This project consists of constructing an 8-foot wide shared-use path that replaces some existing sidewalk and filling in sidewalk gaps. The Tri-Trail Connector will also provide a direct connection between Lions Park and Rotary Park. 

Improving Safety and Accessibility

Sections of shared-use path are adjacent to commercial, residential, and industrial areas within the Village. The shared-use path will improve pedestrian and bicycle safety at the Villa Avenue/ Wildwood Avenue crossing. The ADA compliant design will improve curb ramps and modify driveway crossings. The improvements are being completed without the need for permanent or temporary right of way acquisition.

Mitigating Impact on the Salt Creek Floodplain

The northern connection of the Tri-Trail Connector will be constructed in the Salt Creek floodplain on the north side of Rotary Park. This work will require a stormwater permit to ensure the net fill during construction is zero to avoid any negative impacts to the floodplain area.

STP-L Funding

Funding for the construction of the project has been secured by the Village through the Surface Transportation Program (STP-L). The design follows FHWA, IDOT-BLRS, MUTCD, and AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities. 

This Project Incorporates the Following:

  • Connecting regional bike trails
  • Shared-use path design
  • Sidewalk infill
  • ADA compliant design
  • Stormwater permitting
  • Designing to Federal and State bicycle facility guidelines

Scope of Services

  • Project Development Report
  • Bikeway and Pedestrian Facility Design
  • Preparation of Contract Plans, Specifications, and Estimates
  • Public Involvement
  • Interagency Coordination


  • STP-L