Chicago Department of Transportation

111th Street – Cottage Grove Avenue to Ellis Avenue

Improving Bike and Pedestrian Movement around a National Monument

This project provides roadway reconstruction and neighborhood right of way and streetscaping enhancements on 111th Street between Cottage Grove Avenue and Ellis Avenue. The design facilitates pedestrian and bicycle movement around the Pullman National Monument. Civiltech provided Phase I Preliminary and Phase II Design Engineering services.

Gateway to the Pullman Historic District

111th Street is the east/west gateway to the Pullman Historic District. A busy minor arterial roadway, the wide roadway had created a barrier to pedestrians accessing destinations within the district. The intersection of South Cottage Grove Avenue and 111th Street included stops for a few CTA bus routes and a METRA/NICTD train station.

Combining Projects

The original project was later combined with another roadway improvement project that included a additional section of 111th Street to the west and a section of Cottage Grove Avenue adjacent to the Pullman National Monument Site. The additional sections add off street bike facilities and pedestrian improvements. 

A Bike Route Connection

During Phase I, 111th Street was recommended as a priority bike route infill connection in the Pullman Transportation Plan with east and westbound bike lanes connecting it to the existing bike lanes on Doty Avenue. Several of the roadways around the study area were also included in the plan as recommended bike routes.

A Complete Streets Design

The Complete Streets design of the original project section includes streetscaping, ADA compliant improvements, pedestrian and off-street bicycle facility upgrades, traffic calming measures, street resurfacing, and the straightening of Forestville Avenue. The project required close coordination with CDOT staff, and the documents were prepared to meet the requirements for IDOT review.


A Road Diet and Bike Facilities

The design of 111th Street west of Cottage Grove includes a road diet with an off street two-way bike lane on the north side. On Cottage Grove, the design includes installing bus boarding islands and protected bike lanes. A shared-use path is being added on the north side of 111th street east of Cottage Grove. Also, a raised intersection is being installed at the entrance to the Pullman National Monument site at St. Lawrence Avenue.

This Project Incorporates the Following:

  • Complete Streets design
  • The Pullman National Monument
  • The Pullman Historic District
  • Priority bike route infill
  • Road diet
  • Bus boarding islands
  • Protected bike lanes
  • Shared-use path
  • Raised intersection

Scope of Services

  • Roadway and Highway Design
  • Bike and Pedestrian Facility Design
  • Traffic Analysis
  • Project Development Report
  • Stakeholder Involvement
  • Agency Coordination
  • Historic Preservation
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Transit Access Design
  • Preparation of Contract Plans, Specifications, and Estimates


  • Federal

Learn more about this project and its related services.

Contact Chris Wolff